wtorek, 6 sierpnia 2013

Legal basis

Compensation is a benefit that is payable to a person in the cases specified by law. The entity must suffer or prejudice in the property, then we are dealing with material injury, or other goods (that is, have suffered harm, or non-pecuniary damage).
The payment of compensation may arise as a result of the so-called. liability in tort or so. contractual liability. Always premises of the liability for damages is:

1 the damage,
2 the existence of legal regulations defining the obligation to repair,
3 a causal link between the damage and the event that caused it.

Compensation shall not be greater than the damage caused, its role is only the alignment. In some cases, compensation may be lower than the actual losses incurred by the victim. For example, the compensation may be reduced when:
results from the act or contract:

1 if the victim contributed to the creation or increase of the damage.
2 because of the financial status of the victim or the person responsible for the damage limitation damages due
3 the principles of social coexistence.